Rags collects information about its customers and the users of its online store so that it can offer its customers the best possible experience of using its services. Customer data is used e.g. for delivering a safe service and developing the quality of customer service and online shopping.

Rags respects the privacy of its customers, and uses the personal data it collects only for the purposes mentioned in this privacy statement. Rags does not sell or pass on its customers' information for purposes other than those mentioned in section 7 of this privacy statement.

According to the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entered into force in May 2018, the keeper of the personal register is obliged to inform the registered about the processing of their personal data. This statement fulfills the information obligation of the data protection regulation. The customer must accept the terms of this privacy statement in order to use Rags' services.

1. Registrar
Rags Fashion Oy (business ID number 2501329-7)

Contact information:
Albertinkuja 20 LH 2
90100 Oulu

Contact information for registry matters:

2. Registered
The register includes customers of Rags Fashion Oy who have registered as customers of the online store or placed an order. The register also includes those people who have contacted Rags Fashion Oy's customer service via the online store, phone or email or in the store and left their contact information when ordering or contacting.

The e-mail addresses of those who subscribe to the newsletter are collected in another register, which is used for sending newsletters and marketing communications.

3. Basis for Keeping the Register and Purpose of Use
The collection and processing of personal data is based on:

to the consent given by the customer
to the registered customer relationship between Rgs and the customer
to manage obligations related to orders
Purpose of personal data processing and register

Personal data is processed only for the predefined purposes listed below:

for customer service and facilitating communication
for order processing, delivery and archiving
to store purchase history for possible product returns or warranty processing
to prevent abuses
to improve the quality of customer experience and customer service
for the development of the company's own operations and services
for producing targeted content, communication and marketing
for compiling statistics
4. Personal data to be stored in the register
The customer register contains the following information:

Identification information such as first and last name
Contact information, such as address, email address and phone number
Purchase history: e.g. ordered products and price information, delivery address, selected payment method and delivery terms
Contact history and recordings of conversations over the phone, e-mail or internet
5. Rights of the Registrant
The registrant has the following rights, requests for the use of which should be made to the address

Right of inspection

The registered person can check the personal data we have stored.

Right to rectification of data

The registered person can ask to correct incorrect or incomplete information about him.

Right to object

The registered person can object to the processing of personal data if he feels that the personal data has been processed unlawfully.

Ban on direct marketing

The registrant has the right to prohibit the use of data for direct marketing.

Right of deletion

The registered person has the right to request the deletion of data if data processing is not necessary. We process the deletion request, after which we either delete the data or provide a justified reason why the data cannot be deleted.

It should be noted that the controller may have a statutory or other right not to delete the requested information. The registrar is obliged to keep the accounting material in accordance with the period (10 years) defined in the Accounting Act (Chapter 2, Section 10). For this reason, accounting-related material cannot be deleted before the deadline expires.

Withdrawal of consent

If the processing of the data subject's personal data is based only on consent, and not on e.g. customership or membership, the data subject can withdraw the consent.

The registered person can appeal the decision to the Data Protection Commissioner

The registered person has the right to demand that we limit the processing of disputed data until the matter is resolved.

Right of appeal

The registered person has the right to file a complaint with the data protection commissioner if he feels that we violate the current data protection legislation when processing personal data.

Contact information of the data protection officer:

6. Regular Information Sources

Customer information is received regularly:

Based on the information entered by the customer himself when registering as a customer or placing an order.
Based on the customer's own contact. Contact can be made via phone, e-mail, chat, Messenger or other internet application.

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