AVAJAISTARJOUS: Ilmaiset kotimaan toimitukset sunnuntaihin 8.9.2024 asti.


If you can't find the answer to your question here, contact the seller at the bottom right of the page or you can also call 050 3024 244.

Common terms

We normally ship the products from our own warehouse on the day of the order, excluding holidays. If the product comes from the supplier's warehouse, the delivery time is about 7-14 days. Postage costs EUR 7.00 in Finland.

You can also pick up the product free of charge from our showroom. The order can normally be picked up on the same day, with the exception of products from the supplier's warehouse, whose pick-up time is normally about 4-5 days from the order. The pick-up location is Albertinkuja 20, 90100 Oulu.

We are not responsible for transport by transport companies or delays caused by force majeure.

Order information provided by the customer:

All customer information is treated confidentially. The contact information requested in connection with the order will not be used for anything other than the delivery of the order or the clarification of any ambiguities arising in it, unless specifically stated otherwise. When ordering from the online store, you are required to have familiarized yourself with and agreed to the delivery conditions valid at any given time.

The customer is obliged to provide the correct information when ordering. The customer is responsible for the costs arising from the return and resending of the shipment if the information has been entered incorrectly during the order. The order confirmation is sent to the customer by e-mail. If the order confirmation does not reach the customer, the e-mail was entered incorrectly. In this case, the customer should contact our customer service.

Product prices include VAT. We reserve the right to change prices and delivery costs.

Order information provided by the customer:

All customer information is treated confidentially. The contact information requested in connection with the order will not be used for anything other than the delivery of the order or the clarification of ambiguities arising in it, unless specifically stated otherwise. When ordering from the online store, you are required to have familiarized yourself with and agreed to the delivery conditions valid at any given time.

The customer is obliged to provide the correct information when ordering. The customer is responsible for the costs arising from the return and resend of the shipment if the information has been entered incorrectly during the order. The order confirmation is sent to the customer by e-mail. If the order confirmation does not reach the customer, the e-mail was entered incorrectly. In this case, the customer should contact our customer service.

You can return the product you ordered within 14 days of receiving the product.

Report the return conveniently by logging into the online store with the email address you used when ordering. You can log in via the button in the upper right corner of the page or via the order confirmation in your email.

Select the order whose products you want to return and select the products to be returned. Send the information via your order information to us and you will receive instructions for sending the return to your email. Use the original package for the return.

The product to be returned must be in its original condition and must have all tags in place. We cannot reimburse the price of used or damaged products. When fitting the product, make sure that it doesn't catch smells, stains or e.g. animal hair. The return can also be made in our store. Gift cards cannot be returned.

When returning a delivered order, include your name, contact information and order number. Remember to ask for and keep the receipt and tracking number when you leave the return package.

We charge a handling fee of €8.00 for the return. You can avoid the processing fee by choosing a refund for a gift card or bringing the package to the showroom yourself. 

Accordingly, we return the money you paid for the order in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act to the original payment method or, if you wish, to a gift card.

Exchange of products:
If you want to change the product to another color or size, for example, contact our customer service. You can also return the product in the normal way and place a new order in the online store.

You can pay with MobilePay, online banking, bank or credit card, via Klarna as a bank transfer or invoice, Apple or Google Pay, and from a Paypal account.

The payment service provider varies by payment method:
MobilePay: Vipps MobilePay AS (3330214-4)
The most common bank and credit card payments, Applepay, Googlepay: Stripe Technology Europe Ltd
Online banking, invoicing, partial payment: Klarna Oy (2247127-6)
Paypal: Payment via your own Paypal account

In cases of complaints related to payments, we ask that you primarily contact the selected payment service provider.